
Please click on the map (sorry not visible on small screens) to find out more about the different areas within the site, and the wildlife you may find there. Please use the following links if you are unable to view or click on the map: The Test Range, Visitor Centre, Ancient Woodland, Secondary Woodland, The Leats, Marshland, Lower Mill Pond
The undulating landscape, where the gunpowder buildings operated, give rise to a good mix of different growing conditions for a variety of trees and wildflowers. There’s plenty of wetland as a system of waterways, known as ‘the leats, was used as an important part of the gunpowder production, aswell as the Mill Pond. It is this combination of habitats that makes the place so special: where you have trees, water, a range of light levels and plenty of places to shelter, you have a great home for all sorts of creatures including birds, bats, insects and amphibians. Of particular note are the stunning array of native bats and dragonflies that thrive here..
It is because of this stunning diversity of wildlife that the area is designated is covered by designations including Local Wildlife Site and Site of Special Scientific Interest (the Lower Mill Pond).